A new release of the GX-60 Soul of Chogokin Godsigma with new weapons! Combine the three sub-robots, Sea King, Land King, and Sky King, into the massive Space Emperor Godsigma!...
From Mobile Suit Gundam SEED comes a figure of the Justice Gundam as part of the Metal Build line! Including a range of weapons such as a Beam Rifle, Beam...
From Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer, Tengen Uzui's Nichirin Swords join the PROPLICA series. Twin blades double the action and excitement, brought to life with PROPLICA quality and attention to...
Factory Entertainment is delighted to announce a new edition of a replica of one of the most iconic Universal Monsters props - Larry Talbot's Cane from 1941's, The Wolfman The...
Both fans of Sorayama and Disney were satisfied with the pieces, which were sold in limited quantities of 1,000 each in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Even today, they attract significant...
YOUTOOZ COLLECTION: Sculpted to stand 4.8 inches, this collectible proudly represents the long and hard fought history of L'manberg - and how quickly it all came crashing down. Tubbo is...
About this item You tooz Rust Collection: With his hair in a short, buzz-cut-like style, shows off a very big smile on his face. In his right hand survivor vinyl...
Youtooz Spongebob Collection: Youtooz Patrick Star figure joins the Youtooz universe all the way from Bikini Bottom. Sculpted with a rounded bulging belly, slightly protruding belly button and wearing his...
Sigh… What are those two knuckleheads up to? SpongeBob… Patrick! Standing at 4 inches in height, Squidward is now a Youtooz collectible! Wearing his classic collared shirt, Squidward stands inside...